The King's Park Page
King's Park Hospital in New York is reputed by some to be the Holy Grail of urban exploration... those same people would have you believe the place to be a nearly impregnable fortress...
Well, I guess some people take themselves a little too seriously. King's Parks greatest, if not only, quality is it's sheer scale.
None of which is intended to detract from the experience of the place it self... the buildings are pretty much devoid of any interesting artifacts, save the murals dispersed about building 93. This bareness focuses attention on the architecture, which is - at times - worthy of the spotlight. The patient and hospital facilities around the 'Box' building are standard post-war industrial brick and concrete structures typical of utilitarian government buildings, all of which leads the observer to appreciate what sparse embeleshments were afforded Building 93. The juxtaposed mock buttresses accenting the roofline and false portal windows complete with keystone accents stand in stark contrast to the lower parts of the building.